Web Site Development

Are you ready for your company to be on the Internet, but you're not sure how to go about it?

Do you know exactly what you want, but you don't have the time to deal with producing a web site?

Would you like to know more about what a web site can do for your business?

Ready, Set, Web: The easiest way to put your business on the World Wide Web

There are many steps and considerations involved in setting up a web site. However, becoming familiar with the terms and the processes to make your site successful need not be a chore. Our Internet development team is an experienced group of designers and consultants with web production and marketing expertise. We can show you how to get the most out of your site, even if you are on a limited budget.

We can have your business doing business on the Web within a few, short days after a free consultation with one of our representatives. Even if you have never heard of HTML and VRML or don't know the difference between a byte and a bite, we can show you the ropes and get you started with your own 24 hour storefront, all for less money than you think.

If this sounds like you, e-mail us at lipan.net or call us at 254-646-2211.

Custom Web Site Development

Do you already have a web site that needs to be reorganized, retouched, or redone? Do you know exactly what you want, but you don't have the time to devote to developing your web site? Do you have great ideas, but not the know how to implement them on the World Wide Web? Our Web consultants can help.

Whether you want to build a master site to help sell your products, generate leads with interactive forms, provide a list of questions and answers to help educate your market, or simply entertain visitors while giving them the information that they came for, our experts can design a site that helps to meet your goals and blend seamlessly with your overall marketing strategy.

The technology is out there and many companies can provide you with someone to write your code and produce a site. Many other companies can give you marketing advice that may or may not translate well onto the World Wide Web. Lipan.net can provide you with well tested Internet marketing strategies along with cutting edge technology to fit your company's goals.

For more information on custom web page design, contact us at lipan.net or call us at 254-646-2211.

Copyright 1999 Lipan, Inc.